11 February 2025
With great joy, today we celebrate the 24th anniversary of foundation of the Missionaries of Divine Revelation. Our hearts are filled with gratitude for all the blessings that the Lord has bestowed on us during these grace-filled years.
Only a few years have passed and yet, with all the blessings the Lord has bestowed on us, it seems like many. Our community may be small, but we are all eager to become ‘great’ in our love of God and in the service of our neighbours. We seek to be strong in the Word of God who, “chose the foolish of the world to shame the wise, and chose […] those who count for nothing, to reduce to nothing those who are something”(1 Cor 1,27b-28) so that His works would shine before men. Since, “no human being might boast before God (1 Cor 1,29) we move forward in our mission not to do our will but that of God which is manifested though obedience to the Ecclesial authorities. This has always been the approach that has guided us to where we are today.
We take to heart the motto of St Francis di Sales, “desire nothing, refuse nothing”. Just recently, our dear Mother Rebecca was called to guide Opera Romana Pellegrinaggi. Humanly speaking this mission was not easy to accept. However, in a spirit of faith, the Madre gave her ‘yes’ once more in the service that the Church had entrusted to her care to help many souls to encounter or rediscover our Lord Jesus.
Journeying day after day, we sow seeds in the ‘field’ of the Church. We strive to be like both the Sower in the parable and the Virgin who sowed the seeds of faith in the dream of our beloved Foundress, Madre Prisca.
We pray that this Jubilee 2025 may bring the fruits of conversion for us and for all those people that the Lord places on our path.
God Bless Us
And the Virgin Protect Us
The Missionaries of Divine Revelation