In the transition between one year and the next, Mary, the Mother of God, helps us not to dwell on time that passes, but rather, on time that brings us towards an encounter with God. He who is “the same yesterday, today, and forever” (Heb 13:8). On the first day of the new year 2025, […]
Contemplating the mystery of Christmas: “It is only with the heart one sees rightly…”
St Francis’ idea to reproduce the scenes of Bethlehem in a crib is a marvellous way of contemplating the mystery of Christmas. One look at the crib stirs our hearts and fills them with the warm glow of hope as we try to imagine the greatness of the mystery of God made man in this […]
Christmas Traditions: Las Posadas
One of the most beautiful Christmas traditions brought to our Community by our sisters from Latin America is ‘Las Posadas’. This tradition emulates the pilgrimage of Mary and Joseph from Nazareth to Bethlehem. As we know from the Scriptures, “there was no room for them in the inn.” (Lk 2:7) After searching everywhere for a […]
Christmas Traditions: Bambinelli Sunday!
The third Sunday of Advent is called Gaudete Sunday because, in the words of the entrance antiphon, we are called to, “Rejoice in the Lord always; again I say rejoice. Indeed, the Lord is near.” (Ph 4:4-5) In St Peter’s Square, Rome there is another tradition that emphasises the closeness of the Lord and brings […]
Advent: Preparing for the coming of the Lord
Each year, on the 1st Sunday of Advent, the Church heralds the start of a new year. A new year is often a time of ‘resolutions’, ‘new start’ or even renewal. The Church’s year is no different! As the Lord prepared Israel for the coming of the Messiah over the course of 4,000 years, it […]
May Christ’s Kingdom Come! The Solemnity of Christ the King
On the last Sunday of the Church’s liturgical year we celebrate the Solemnity of Christ the King. Pope Pius XI instituted the Feast in 1925 with the Encyclical Quas Primas so that the Church may honour Christ’s kingship and meditate on what it means to be subject to His ‘sweet’ rule. Indeed, the feast is […]
9th November Feast of the Dedication of the Lateran Basilica Rome: “Mater et Caput”
St John Lateran’s Basilica in Rome is the “Mater et Caput”, ‘Mother and head’, of all churches in Rome and the world. This fact is solemnised by the relief that adorns the entrance to the Basilica. The name “Lateran” is derived from the fact that this Basilica was constructed on the territory that belonged to […]
October Month of the Holy Rosary “Never Stop Saying the Holy Rosary. I am always with you to help you”
“Never Stop Saying the Holy Rosary. I am always with you to help you” Virgin of Revelation, 1947, Rome. With these words, in 1947 at Tre Fontane Rome, Our Lady, under the title of Virgin of Revelation, taught the then anti-clerical Protestant, Bruno Cornacchiola, the importance of praying the Holy Rosary assuring us of […]
The Rosary lifts us up to God
The Rosary is the favourite prayer of Popes and saints alike. It is therefore not surprising that we find a very powerful image that symbolises the power of the Rosary in Michelangelo’s Last Judgement in the Sistine Chapel, which is the Main Chapel of the Popes. Looking closely at the detail we can see two […]
The Hail Mary moves Jesus’ Heart!
The Virgin of Revelation told us the power of invoking her intercession by praying the Hail Mary saying, “The Hail Marys that you say with faith and love are like golden arrows to the heart of Jesus.” At Tre Fontane, as with the other Marian apparitions of the last century, Our Lady emphasised the importance […]