The Holy Spirit – the Soul’s Sweet Guest.

The account of Pentecost in the Acts of the Apostles is filled with powerful imagery. The Holy Spirit overcomes the confines of the Upper Room where the Apostles are gathered and, with the sound of wind and the appearance of tongues of fire, descends on each of them. The effects are instant. The Church is […]

“Call me Mother”

We recall the words of the Virgin of Revelation who, with her maternal goodness, came to recall a lost son, and therefore all of us, to conduct ourselves in a way that does not deviate towards “strange doctrines” (Heb 13:9) but is conduct that is worthy of a Christian. On the 12th April 1947, the […]

To go directly from the heart of Mary to the heart of Jesus!

Dear friends, we have finally arrived at the month of May which is considered the Marian Month par excellence! We would like to start our meditation with the very words of the Virgin of Revelation: “The Hail Mary’s that you say with faith and love are like golden arrows to the heart of Jesus.” Therefore, […]

Hallelujah! Jesus Christ is risen! Happy Easter 2024

After 40 days of Lent and the grace filled days of Holy Week, we arrive at Easter Sunday, our Lord’s Resurrection. Easter is the greatest and most important feast in the Church, and is indeed the basis of our Christian faith. Perhaps we did not progress on our Lenten journey as we had hoped. It […]

St Joseph Patron of the Church

Once again this year, the Lenten journey is interrupted by the great solemnity in honor of St. Joseph, the Church’s most powerful and humble saint. Resounding in the celebration of this day is the remembrance of Pope Gregory XV, who in 1621 declared March 19 a feast of precept. The evangelist Matthew, giving greater prominence […]

Pope Francis Message for Lent 2024

Through the Desert God Leads us to Freedom Pope Francis’ message for Lent 2024 constitutes a precious orientation to continue the journey of conversion. It asks us to think of the desert as a place in which God leads us to liberty. A place where we learn to entrust ourselves to God. During their presence […]

The Chair of Peter and the artistic wisdom of Bernini

The ancient Feast of the Chair of Peter has been celebrated in the Church since the third century and was definitively established on the 22nd February by St Pope John XXIII. The Feast celebrates the mission and authority that Jesus entrusted to Simon, the fisherman from Galilee, to lead the people of God towards salvation […]

Devotion to the Holy Face of Jesus

  “Of you my heart has said, ‘Seek his face!’ Your face, Yahweh, I seek” (Ps 27, 8)   Man has always searched to contemplate the face of God. Jesus told us that “to see Him is to see the Father” (Jn 14:9) and so, the contemplation of Christ’s face is the very contemplation of […]

World Day for Consecrated Life: Here I am Lord, I come to do your will!

The celebration of the World Day for Consecrated Life first took place on the 2 February 1997 at the behest of Pope Saint John Paul II. With great enthusiasm, he instituted this anniversary so that every consecrated person would grow in their awareness of the great gift that they have received. In this regard, the […]

Prayer for the Solemnity of Christ the King

In the encyclical Quas Primas, Pope Pius XI proclaimed the Solemnity of Christ the King for the Universal Church. To celebrate the Solemnity, the Holy Father requested that mankind be dedicated to the Sacred Heart of Jesus because Christ must reign in the hearts of men so that His Kingdom may come on earth. The […]