Pope Innocent XI instituted the feast of the Holy Name of Mary on the 12th September to thank Our Lady for the victory of the famous battle of Vienna against the Ottoman Empire on the 11th September 1683. On this day, Europe found itself on the brink of distruction. The Ottoman forces had invaded Vienna […]
The Origins of the Feast of Corpus Christi
The Feast of Corpus Christi is celebrated in the Catholic Church on the Thursday after Trinity Sunday or, in some places, it is transferred to the Sunday. The feast was instituted to honour the Lord’s presence in the Blessed Sacrament. There were 2 separate miracles that lead to the institution of the feast in […]
Our ‘wish list’ letter to St Joseph
When, at the end of December 2006, I entered the carpark of a property in the Via delle Vigne Nuove, Rome I did not imagine that the ‘prophecy’ of St Joseph was being fulfilled. My name is Mother Rebecca, superior of the Missionaries of Divine Revelation. Our community was born in the Roman Diocese on […]
Spiritual Maternity
Dear friends, we are continuing our monthly articles that celebrate the twentieth anniversary of the foundation of our community. This time we wish to talk about an important aspect of our mission, that is our spiritual motherhood towards priests and seminarians. As our Rule reminds us, following Our Lady’s example as Mother of the Church, […]
Christmas Traditions: The Nativity Scene
On Christmas Eve 1223, in Greccio, a small place approximately 60km to the northeast of Rome, the practice of creating Nativity scenes was born. The first, requested by St Francis, was a live re-creation of the cave of Bethlehem complete with a living ox, ass and donkey! It is thought that the poverello of […]
Eucharistic Vigil to honour the Sacred Heart of Jesus
Devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus is intimately connected to the apparition of the Virgin of Revelation who told Bruno, “The nine first Fridays to the Sacred Heart, a divine promise, has saved you.” In fact, during the apparition on the 12th April 1947, the Virgin of Revelation spoke of devotion to the Sacred […]
To love everyone in the Sacred Heart of Jesus
We are continuing our series of articles to celebrate the twentieth anniversary of our approval and, during the month of June, dedicated to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, we would like to highlight how this devotion has an important place in our charism and Rule of Life. We offer all our daily work to the […]
Holy Thursday: the day of the Eucharist and the Priesthood
Dear Fathers and Pastors – we need you! Today, on a Maundy Thursday that history will recall for the impact of the Coronavirus, we celebrate the fact that the Lord instituted the Eucharist. It is a Holy Thursday in which the solemn entry to the Pascal Tridium is pious and also sorrowful. This entrance to […]
Saint Joseph, Patron of the Church
The memory of Pope Gregory XV resounds on this great Solemnity as, in 1621, he declared the 19th of March an obligatory Feast for the most powerful and humble Saint of the Church: Saint Joseph. St Matthew’s Gospel speaks of him as a “just man” who was willing to fulfil God’s will. Saint Joseph gave […]
Divine Promises Are Eternal
In France, during the second half of the 16th century, the doctrine of Cornelius Jansen (1585-1638), otherwise known as Jansenism, was greatly defused. Jansen’s theology taught that the Lord is a God who gives His grace only to the elect, abandoning the rest for ever because human nature was completely corrupted by original sin. To […]