To love everyone in the Sacred Heart of Jesus

We are continuing our series of articles to celebrate the twentieth anniversary of our approval and, during the month of June, dedicated to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, we would like to highlight how this devotion has an important place in our charism and Rule of Life. We offer all our daily work to the […]

Holy Thursday: the day of the Eucharist and the Priesthood

Dear Fathers and Pastors – we need you! Today, on a Maundy Thursday that history will recall for the impact of the Coronavirus, we celebrate the fact that the Lord instituted the Eucharist. It is a Holy Thursday in which the  solemn entry to the Pascal Tridium is pious and also sorrowful. This entrance to […]

Divine Promises Are Eternal

In France, during the second half of the 16th century, the doctrine of Cornelius Jansen (1585-1638), otherwise known as Jansenism, was greatly defused. Jansen’s theology taught that the Lord is a God who gives His grace only to the elect, abandoning the rest for ever because human nature was completely corrupted by original sin. To […]

Good Friday: Our glory is the Cross of Christ

On Good Friday the Church invites us to look at Christ, who was crucified and died for our Salvation. Now more than ever, adoring the wood of the cross calls us to a profound reflection. With the original sin, evil, suffering and death entered the world. Man, wounded by Original Sin, became a victim of […]

The Dogma of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary Into Heaven

The truth that Our Lady was assumed into heaven was always believed and celebrated by the Church although it was not considered a dogma of the Faith until the 1st November 1950. From very ancient times, the Church in the east and west solemnly celebrated a liturgical feast in memorial of the “Dormition of Mary” […]

2017 A New Year to Search for Happiness.

“Today, we do not have one more year but one year less before Our Lord’s coming!” St Teresa of Avila These are the days in which we exchange best wishes for “A Happy New Year 2017” hoping for our deepest heart’s desire: serenity and happiness.  However, it is already evident that, along with the fulfilment […]

Christ in Michelangelo’s Last Judgement: An icon of mercy

The extraordinary Jubilee of Mercy ends on the 20th November 2016 which also coincides with the solemnity of Christ the King. At the end of the Liturgical Year the Church contemplates the final coming of the Lord and so the Last Judgment by Michelangelo, from the Sistine Chapel, is a fitting masterpiece with which to […]

Rosary Crusade for Peace

Dear Friends, October is a month especially dedicated to Our Lady of the Holy Rosary and so we are pleased to invite you to participate in a Rosary Crusade of peace inspired by the Virgin of Revelation who said, “Never stop saying the Holy Rosary”!  What better spiritual preparation could there be for the celebration […]

The Holy Rosary – The Christian’s Secret Weapon

Before the departure of the Christian fleet for Lepanto, Pope Pius V blessed and consigned the Christian standard to the commander of the Christian Holy League, Don John of Austria. The standard was decorated with a crucifix placed between St Peter and St Paul on a red background with the Constantinian motto “In hoc signo […]