What can we do to help our neighbour whilst we are still quarantined at home? Here is our proposal: to undertake a spiritual work of mercy – to pray the Chaplet of Divine Mercy for those dying through the Coronavirus. To find our more- watch the video! God Bless Us And the Virgin Protect Us […]
A mission for those dying through the corona virus: The Divine Mercy Chaplet
Dear Friends, The whole of humanity is living day to day though a time of intense physical and spiritual suffering and many tribulations. It is extremely comforting to know that, even during the coronavirus emergency, we are able to feel the closeness of Our Mother, the Church. Through the Decree from the Apostolic Penitentiary on […]
Good Friday: Our glory is the Cross of Christ
On Good Friday the Church invites us to look at Christ, who was crucified and died for our Salvation. Now more than ever, adoring the wood of the cross calls us to a profound reflection. With the original sin, evil, suffering and death entered the world. Man, wounded by Original Sin, became a victim of […]
Supplication to the Virgin of Revelation for the 73rd Anniversary of the Apparition
“All those who place themselves under my green mantle of mercy I will protect.” Dear devotees of the Virgin of Revelation, This year, Easter is on the 12th April and so the celebration of the 73rd anniversary of the apparition of the Virgin of Revelation at Tre Fontane on the 12th April 1947 is transferred […]
25 March, the Annunciation: The day of the renewal of the vows of the Missionaries of Divine Revelation
“Suscipe me, Domine, secundum eloquium tuum, et vivam; et non confundas me ab expectatione mea.” (Ps 118, 116) “True to your word, support me and I shall live; do not disappoint me of my hope.” (Ps 118, 116) Why do the Missionaries of Divine Revelation renew their vows on the Solemnity of the Annunciation? For […]
Solemnity of St Joseph
Joseph lived through a very singular experience in his life. He did not know what to do about Mary who ” was found with child through the Holy Spirit.” His internal turmoil was concluded with a dream sent by God. Joseph responded immediately because we are told “he did as the angel of the Lord […]
Prayer to place all affected by the Coronavirus under the ‘green’ mantle of the Virgin of Revelation
Today is the 12th day of the month and so we would like to invite you to invoke the intercession of Our Lady, Virgin of Revelation in memorial of her apparition at Tre Fontane, Rome by reciting the prayer in her honour. As the corona virus has spread to the level of a pandemic, it […]
The Temptations of Christ
The Temptations of Christ (1480-1482) Botticelli, Sistine Chapel St Luke’s account of the temptation of Jesus in the desert is the Gospel reading on the first Sunday of Lent and it also signals the start of the penitential itinerary that will lead us to Easter Sunday. The representation of the devil as a tempter is […]
2019 with the Missionaries of Divine Revelation
2019 was another rich and intense year for our consecrated life and our mission of evangelisation. On the 30th June this year we were blessed with the Religious Profession of Sr Maria Veronica who gave her life to the Divine Spouse through the Rule of the Missionaries of Divine Revelation. Further blessings came with the […]
God’s code of love
God’s Code of Love At a time when thousands of Catholics in Western Europe were deserting the Catholic Church with the spread of Protestantism, an apparition of the Virgin Mary to an Indian, Juan Diego, in Mexico was to compensate for the losses on the European continent with the conversion of the Americas. The story […]