First Saturday Meditation: Blasphemies against images of Our Lady

On the 6th May 2017, we complete the fifth in the series of the five first Saturday’s devotion in reparation for offences caused to Our Lady’s Immaculate Heart.  We have completed the five first Saturday’s exactly as Our Lady requested!  Today, we complete our devotions to Our Lady but we are also invited to continue […]

First Saturday Meditation: Our Lady Mother of God and Our Mother

  On the 4th March 2017, we will celebrate the third of the five first Saturday of the month offered in reparation to Our Lady’s Immaculate Heart. This month the meditation is about the third blasphemy against Our Lady’s Immaculate Heart: the failure to recognise Our Lady’s Divine Maternity which extends to all mankind. Who […]

First Saturday Meditation: Blasphemies against Our Lady’s Virginity

On the 4th February 2017, we will celebrate the second of the Five First Saturdays in reparation to Our Lady’s Immaculate Heart.  This month we will meditate on the second blasphemy that Our Lord listed which is the attacks, or disbelief, on Our Lady’s Virginity.   From its very beginnings, the Church has always believed […]

First Saturday’s Meditation: Sins against Our Lady’s Immaculate Conception

“Hail Mary full of Grace” every time that we say the Hail Mary we make a reference to Our Lady’s Immaculate Conception.  The Angel Gabriel’s angelic salutation confirms the fact that Our Lady was “full of grace” which means she was full of God.  In 1854 Pope Pius IX promulgated the dogma of the Immaculate […]

The Preparation for Two Great Marian Anniversaries

Console Our Mother’s Immaculate Heart. 2017 is the year in which we will celebrate two important anniversaries: the 70th anniversary of the apparition of the Virgin of Revelation at Tre Fontane, Rome, and the Centenary of the apparition of Our Lady of Fatima, in Portugal 1917. What could be a better way to celebrate these […]

2017 A New Year to Search for Happiness.

“Today, we do not have one more year but one year less before Our Lord’s coming!” St Teresa of Avila These are the days in which we exchange best wishes for “A Happy New Year 2017” hoping for our deepest heart’s desire: serenity and happiness.  However, it is already evident that, along with the fulfilment […]

Have a Holy Christmas

Dear friends, we are about to celebrate the Solemnity of Christmas.  At midnight mass the angels in the Gospel will sing, “Glory to God in the highest and on earth peace to those on whom his favour rests.” (Lk2:14)  This baby is Our Lord, the Prince of Peace who has come to dwell amongst us […]

A Meditation on the Gospel: Second Week of Advent

“Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand!” (Mt 3:1). The heartfelt appeal of the man that from his mother’s womb was selected as the precursor, resonates more than ever in our time. The one that would straighten the tortuous path and the wayward road of the people of Israel, is the luminous figure […]

Christ in Michelangelo’s Last Judgement: An icon of mercy

The extraordinary Jubilee of Mercy ends on the 20th November 2016 which also coincides with the solemnity of Christ the King. At the end of the Liturgical Year the Church contemplates the final coming of the Lord and so the Last Judgment by Michelangelo, from the Sistine Chapel, is a fitting masterpiece with which to […]