Three days have already passed since our group of Sisters from the Missionaries of Divine Revelation – Sr Agnese; Sr Angelica, Sr Catherina and Emanuela – started their pilgrimage for World Youth Day (WYD) in Krakow. They left for Poland in order to join many young people that are also travelling to this event. The first day’s journey of 760km took them from Rome to Slovakia where they travelled through the fascinating mountainous roads and were able to celebrate the prayer of the Church surrounded by the green Slovakian mountains.
The second day was inevitably spent mostly in transit by coach apart from a programmed rest in the Austrian mountains before their late at night arrival in Wadowice. At last, on the third day they were able to visit Wadowice, St John Paul II’s city, where our group of pilgrim sisters had the grace of visiting the sites related to this Polish pope – in particular, his house and the Church where he received the Sacraments.
The pilgrimage continues…
God Bless Us
And The Virgin Protect Us
Your sisters MDR
- We are off!
- Prayer in the mountains
- Baptismal Font in which St John Paul II was Baptised
- The sisters with a group from Mexico
- The Home of St John Paul II