Tradition has it that Joseph had taken the vow of virginity, thus renouncing the right to marriage. At any rate he lived a life of purity. He was stainless among men and pure in the sight of God. But God in His providence had greater designs for Joseph than mere abstinence. He chose Joseph, the […]
Novena to St Joseph – Day 2
There is always a cause for the choices God makes. Out of the long procession of men through history, God selected Joseph to be the husband of Mary and the protector of the Savior. Joseph’s youth was one of stainless virtue. His young manhood was marked by deep religious faith and a burning desire to […]
Novena to St Joseph – Day 1
The man nearest to Christ Jesus was His foster father, Joseph the carpenter. John the Baptist saw Christ briefly near the Jordan and knew that his work as Precursor was over. The Apostles lived and worked with Christ during the brief days of His public life. But Joseph presided over the events of Christ’s Infancy, […]
ash wednesday
This year, we prepare to cross the threshold of Lent with the penitential practice of the imposition of Ashes. In these forty days, the Church calls its children to live a period of penance in view of an increasingly vigorous conversion. This important time is precisely aimed at deep meditation on one’s own path […]
devotion to the holy face of jesus
“Of you my heart has said, ‘Seek his face!’ Your face, Yahweh, I seek” (Ps 27, 8) Man has always searched to contemplate the face of God. Jesus told us that “to see Him is to see the Father” (Jn 14:9) and so, the contemplation of Christ’s face is the very contemplation of God. To […]
the chair of peter and the artistic wisdom of Bernini
The feast of the Chair of Peter, already present in the Church since the 3rd century, and definitively set on February 22 by Pope John XXIII, recalls the authority that Jesus entrusted to Simon, the fisherman of Galilee, to accompany and guard, as his vicar, the people of God towards Salvation. Once again Rome, in […]
to hope is to turn around
While meeting with pilgrims in today’s jubilee audience, Pope Francis dwells on the figure of the Magdalene. He emphasizes the deep link between mercy and hope, which is that transformative mercy of God that touches the Magdalene and leads her to follow Jesus. The encounter with the risen Lord opens to the prospect of hope, […]
24th anniversary of our foundation
11 February 2025 With great joy, today we celebrate the 24th anniversary of foundation of the Missionaries of Divine Revelation. Our hearts are filled with gratitude for all the blessings that the Lord has bestowed on us during these grace-filled years. Only a few years have passed and yet, with all the blessings the Lord […]
jubilee: jesus christ our hope
During this week’s General Audience, Pope Francis started his catechesis for the Jubilee which will take the theme, Jesus Christ our hope. Dear brothers and sisters, good morning! Today we will begin the cycle of catechesis that will continue throughout the Jubilee Year. The theme is “Jesus Christ our Hope”: for He is the aim […]
The Consecrated Life “a light for revelation to the Gentiles”
“A light for revelation to the Gentiles,” are the words that resound today in the Church which remembers the Feast of the Presentation of the Lord in the Temple. The entrance procession, with lighted candles and the words of the Gospel, introduce the mystery of that Child who is the true light that illuminates […]