Day 1: Novena to the Sacred Heart of Jesus

Heart of Jesus, substantially united to the Word of God. The expression ‘Heart of Jesus’ immediately calls to mind the humanity of Christ, and emphasizes the richness of his feelings, his compassion towards the sick; his preference for the poor; his mercy towards sinners; his tenderness towards children; his strength in denouncing hypocrisy, pride, violence; […]

The Solemnity of the Ascension

  Today’s liturgy gives us the opportunity to meditate on three key words: Ascension, go and heaven. These words can help us to contemplate the mystery of the Ascension of the Lord. First and formost, there is the word, “Ascension”. Both the first and second readings from today’s Solemnity speak of the Lord’s Ascension: “[…] […]

The Virgin Mary in the life of a Missionary.

Our devotion to Mary and our Marian devotions. The month of May is the Marian month par excellence, rich with feasts dedicated to Our Blessed Mother. It is a time when there are frequent pilgrimages to shrines and there is a deep desire to pray to Our Lady in a special way. It is also […]

The Virgin Mary, the Mother who helps us to grow!

In our meditation for the month of May we would like to share the beautiful words that Pope Francis spoke at St Mary Majors Basilica, Rome on the 4th May 2013. The Holy Father reminds us that the Virgin Mary watches over us and helps us to mature. Mary is the model for every mother, […]

The Lord rose on the ‘first day of the week’

All four evangelists record the fact that the Lord rose “on the first day of the week” (Jn 20:1, Lk 24:1, Mt 28:1, Mk 16:2). It was on this day, that the Lord appeared to Mary Magdalene at the tomb (Jn 20:14), the Lord walked with the disciples on the road to Emmaus (Lk 24:13) […]

Faith and Incredulity

The term ‘faith’ comes from the Hebrew word “aman” which means to be firm, steady or sure. In the Old Testament this term is frequently used with regard to God’s faithfulness in fulfilling the commitments established by the Old Covenant with Israel: “Understand, then, that the LORD, your God, is God indeed, the faithful God […]

Resurrection of Christ

The Resurrection of Christ by Piero della Francesca (1416-1492) was described as “the greatest painting in the world” by the English author, Aldous Huxley. The beautiful fresco, that describes the moment of Christ’s Resurrection from the dead, was realised in the meeting hall of the Palazzo dei Conservatori of Sansepolcro, Tuscany, Italy between 1467-68. According […]

If You Knew The Gift of God

“If you knew the gift of God” is the phrase that Jesus said in the episode in which He met the Samaritan woman at the well of Sicar that is recorded in chapter 4 of St John’s Gospel from verses 1 to 10 (Jn 4:1-10). Let us try to understand Jesus’ words together, entering into […]

8 March International Women’s Day

Today we celebrate the International Women’s Day.  Sr Emanuela was interviewed for Vatican News, and she invites us to meditate on the qualities that comprise the so-called, ‘feminine genius’. In the article you can see the contributions of women to the life of the Church through the art contained in the Vatican Collection. To read […]