The Battle of Vienna – 11 September 1683

The Battle of Vienna is a huge, imposing oil canvass that stands 9m by 4.5m in the John Sobieski room of the Vatican Museums. The masterpiece recounts the ending of the Turkish siege of Vienna by the Catholic army led by the Polish King, John Sobieski, on the 11th September 1683. The polish painter, Jan […]

Prayer to Mary, Queen of Heaven by Pope Pius XII

  “We have decided to institute the liturgical feast of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Queen. This will afford a climax, as it were, to the manifold demonstrations of Our devotion to Mary, which the Christian people have supported with such enthusiasm. […] As We have already mentioned, Venerable Brothers, according to ancient tradition and the […]

The Three White Loves and the Missionaries of Divine Revelation

In this month of July, continuing with the series of articles for our twentieth anniversary, we want to focus on the way in which the Three White Loves – the Eucharist, the Immaculate Virgin Mary and the Pope – are present in the life of the MDR. “The true Church of my Son is founded […]

Eucharistic Vigil to honour the Sacred Heart of Jesus

Devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus is intimately connected to the apparition of the Virgin of Revelation who told Bruno, “The nine first Fridays to the Sacred Heart, a divine promise, has saved you.” In fact, during the apparition on the 12th April 1947, the Virgin of Revelation spoke of devotion to the Sacred […]


When we think of the word ‘Gospel’ we most likely refer to the writings of the Apostles or Christ’s disciples which tell us of the most important news in human history: the birth, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ which brings with it the redemption of humanity. The word ‘Gospel’ comes from the language of […]

To love everyone in the Sacred Heart of Jesus

We are continuing our series of articles to celebrate the twentieth anniversary of our approval and, during the month of June, dedicated to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, we would like to highlight how this devotion has an important place in our charism and Rule of Life. We offer all our daily work to the […]

Holy Thursday: the day of the Eucharist and the Priesthood

Dear Fathers and Pastors – we need you! Today, on a Maundy Thursday that history will recall for the impact of the Coronavirus, we celebrate the fact that the Lord instituted the Eucharist. It is a Holy Thursday in which the  solemn entry to the Pascal Tridium is pious and also sorrowful. This entrance to […]

The Annunciation to Our Lady and St Joseph

On March 25 each year, the Church pauses during Lent to solemnly celebrate the Feast of the Annunciation which falls exactly nine months before Christmas. In any case, this joyful interval cannot be considered as an interruption of our Lenten journey because all the mysteries of the life of Jesus are connected to each other. […]

20 Anniversary of the Foundation of the Missionaries of Divine Revelation

Dear friends, 2021 is an important moment in the history of the Missionaries of Divine Revelation as it marks 20 years since our foundation. In fact, on the 11th February 2001, Cardinal Camillo Ruini, then Vicar of the Holy Father for Diocese of Rome, signed the decree that made us the Missionaries of Divine Revelation. […]

Have a Holy Christmas 2020

Dear friends, we are about to celebrate the Solemnity of Christmas.  At midnight mass the angels in the Gospel sing, “Glory to God in the highest and on earth peace to those on whom his favour rests.” (Lk2:14)  This baby is Our Lord, the Prince of Peace who has come to dwell amongst us (cfr […]