Sr Emanuela’s Vocation Testimony
Show me who I am!
After completing my studies I started my career but after a few years I found myself unemployed. The loss of the career that I had worked so hard to achieve caused a great crisis in my life. With great determination I decided to take further studies so that I could find work. Every day I attended Mass, […]
The leap of faith
From when I was a young girl, I felt a strange and indefinable sensation that something was missing in my life. Even in the most joyful moments of my life I felt this sensation though I didn’t understand why. I suffered because I thought it was strange and ‘abnormal’. When I graduated, my professors predicted […]
From music to the consecration
Interview with Sr M. Rebecca by Claudio Tanturri ‘I was a treble voice in the Rai Choir as a young girl, then I studied at the Conservatory of Santa Cecilia in Rome where I received a diploma in Operatic singing. I also had the experience as a singer of pop music for “Four and Five […]
The Lord had ‘something’ for me to do!
I always knew I loved the Lord! I felt that God had ‘something’ for me to do from an early age. The prospect of the Religious life was ‘definitely not for me!’ Although I loved the Lord intensely I was frightened to ever seriously explore what it may mean and besides I could never leave […]
The Importance of a “Yes”
The little word that is more valuable to God than any other is “YES”! God pronounced His “YES” to man in the silence of eternity. Adam and Eve said their “no” to God through the confusion and deceit of the devil. To say “NO” to God’s love means that we will live far away from […]
The Place That God Has Chosen For Me!
‘All things work for good for those who love God, who are called according to his purpose’ (cf Rm 8:28) It is with this certainty that one must pray to the Lord to ask Him; ‘Lord, what do you want me to do? If this happens in my life, or this other thing what do […]
Our Glory is Christ’s Cross
Blessed are you when they insult you and persecute you and utter every kind of evil against you because of me. Rejoice and be glad, for your reward will be great in heaven. Thus they persecuted the prophets who were before you. (Mt 5:11-12) Christians are constantly persecuted! Prior to the year 2000, a Pontifical […]
66th Anniversary of the Apparition of The Virgin of Revelation
The True Church of My Son It is with immense joy that, on the 12th of April, we celebrate the feast of the Virgin of Revelation, Mother of the Church and the guide and model of Our Community. The Virgin Mary appeared on the 12th April 1947 at the Grotto of Tre Fontane (Three Fountains), […]