Today is the 12th day of the month and so we would like to invite you to invoke the intercession of Our Lady, Virgin of Revelation in memorial of her apparition at Tre Fontane, Rome by reciting the prayer in her honour. As the corona virus has spread to the level of a pandemic, it is appropriate to recall Our Lady’s words during the apparition:
“All those who place themselves under my green mantle of mercy I will protect.”
In our prayer today, we ask Our Lady to place the whole world under the protection of Her green mantle! We remember all those who are suffering from this virus, our families, our loved ones and especially those who work in the emergency services and are tasked with caring for those affected by the virus.

We cannot visit the grotto at Tre Fontane today, but the Sisters are adoring Our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament and celebrating Rosary devotions throughout the entire day. We will remember you all in our prayers and entrust all your intentions to the Virgin of Revelation.

Supplication to the Virgin of Revelation
Most Holy Virgin of the Revelation, you who are in the Divine Trinity, deign we beg you; turn your merciful and kind glance towards us. Oh Mary! You are our powerful advocate before God, who by this soil of Sin will obtain graces and miracles for the conversion of sinners, grant that we obtain from Your Son Jesus, salvation of the soul, perfect health of body and the graces which we need.
Moment of silence for your prayers and intentions
Grant to the Church and its head, the Roman Pontiff, the joy of seeing the conversion of His enemies, the propagation of the Kingdom of God over all the earth, the unity of all believers in Christ, peace among nations in order that we can love and serve You better in this life and one day deserve to see and thank you eternally in Heaven. Amen
Hail Mary
Virgin of Revelation
R /. pray for us and give us the love of God.
God Bless Us
And the Virgin Protect Us
Nihil obstat
+ Bishop Ilario