The third Sunday of Advent is called “Gaudete” or rejoice Sunday and it takes its name from St Paul’s invite in the second reading to “Rejoice always” (1 Thess 5:16) As we draw closer to the coming of the Lord, we have a reason to be filled with joy. The Church shows her joy by adopting rose coloured liturgical vestments because they act as a sign of joy.
Once more during this season of Advent, the Gospel concentrates on the figure of St John the Baptist, who did not want to be the centre of attention and mistaken for the Messiah. Instead, with great humility and truth, told the Priests and the Levites that he was only an instrument and indicated that the Messiah would follow him, “the one who is coming after me, whose sandal strap I am not worthy to untie.” (Jn 1:27)
Just like St John the Baptist, we are called to put Christ at the very centre of our lives because He is the only Saviour of all mankind. Following the Baptist’s example, we must bring others to Christ and, in humility, attribute all good things to Him.
As we light the third advent candle, we express all our love for the Lord and show our joy that we are awaiting his coming. During this week of Advent, we pray for the grace to make the Lord the centre of our lives.